
Posted in Uncategorized on 25/10/2011 by markerdoodle

here i go again, with promised VT doodles and MORE

^^^lil juliet obv

all art (c) marker 2010

you got me

Posted in Uncategorized on 19/10/2011 by markerdoodle

something new in layout? I couldn’t find a way to write this post haha xD little panic attack.

I finally read Homestuck! lots of fanart to come:

❤ red team ❤



Soap Opera:LS


homestuck stuff  (c)  A. Hussie, rest is miiineeeeee


Posted in Uncategorized on 17/09/2011 by markerdoodle

all my shit lands on tumblr now but i like to have it backed up :>

troll oces :>

black books fanart, oops, there was one earlier, too

obligatory sad thomas


30 pictures? i’m a fucking drawing machine ._.

summer ends

Posted in Uncategorized on 31/08/2011 by markerdoodle

le sigh nothing interesting to say

k, enough for now :>

night visitor

Posted in Uncategorized on 09/08/2011 by markerdoodle

i doodled a few pages of comic just for fun.

Pretty pointless one, too.

the end? or is it?

click for full view (otherwise you may have problems reading it xD) (well, since more than half of it is in my handwriting you’ll probably still have problems with that. oops) 😀

mostly ls stuff

Posted in Uncategorized on 09/08/2011 by markerdoodle

only one post and I’m no longer behind with stuff 😀

geez am i productive or what

Posted in Uncategorized on 07/08/2011 by markerdoodle

long time no see, the dump will be …considerable.

ok, there’s like, twice as much in LS folder so I’m calling it a day C:


Posted in Uncategorized on 18/07/2011 by markerdoodle

Humans – just humans, really. More than 85% of population are pure blood humans, they are ‘in charge’… or are they?

I believe you can easily say which of my characters are Homo Sapiens Sapiens, right?

“Others”/”Demons”/”Satyrs” – surprisingly, a species that seems to have evolved from humans, or have had the same ‘ancestors’. Left Earth more than 3,000 years bc and settled down in some kind of parallel universe, still have paid humans visits often enough to be featured in most cultures’ mythologies and religions both as good, protective gods and evil demons – traditional Christian image of devil comes from nowhere else than the visitors, much like Greek and Roman satyrs (thus the nickname). “Demons” used to play with human minds and influence their technological and political development similarly to religious beliefs. They officially ‘came out’ no earlier than in the 19th century. After that, the importance of religion in many regions (such as Europe or Northern America) radically decreased.

There is not much data concerning the culture of “Demons” and all assumptions are made on the basis of their behaviour on Earth and their own statements (often contradicting one another). They seem to visit Earth for both professional and personal reasons, the first one concerning collecting data or sharing ideas and projects with human scientists and politicians (lol), the second widely understood ‘tourism’.

Biology: “Others” are in fact very similar to humans and have all the systems present in a human (or any vertebrate, really) body. The most, perhaps, visible difference is the built of lower limbs, most resembling those of ungulates, and the presence of long, hairless tail. Next characteristic and non-human feature of “others” are big spiky ears. The reason why an anthropomorphic species would create organs in such form is unknown. They are usually rather small and of slender, delicate build, yet fit and relatively strong. They rarely exceed the height of 6 feet (<183 cm). Males are only slightly larger than females. They have the same skin colours as humans, but there is more colour variations concerning their hair and eye colour.

“satyrs” are known for their unusually long lifespan (no data on the longest lifespan, they are noted cases of individuals older than 200 years, not bearing any signs of such age). They heal very quickly and regenerate damaged organs. They reach physical maturity at the young age of 18-22, but it was observed that their mental development ends between the age of 30 and 50.  They often present excellent talent in learning languages and easily adapt to new situations. The individuals that agreed to overcome IQ tests all scored high above average.

Both male and female “demons” engage in relationships and can have children with humans, but rarely create functional, healthy families (the case with “demon” male impregnating human female is the most common scenario, though). Pregnancy lasts between 9 and 10 months. Human mothers often experience different complications connected with both pregnancy and labour.

It is hard to say how many of “demons” are actual citizens on Earth – they usually appear for a very limited time, rarely periods longer than a year. There are instances of the “demons” completely naturalized (such as Ragnar) who apply for citizenship and become a part of human society. The much more common inter-species are the offspring of humans and “demons” – ‘hybrids’.

(The only “demon” characters that appear in this story are Hanni and Ragnar, Law’s mother and half-brother)

I totally need to make up a name for this species, I can’t call them ‘demons’ forever…. UGH

Hybrids (half-bloods, mongrels etc.) – the number of children of humans with the other species has raised significantly since the “demons” have been recognized as harmless and “human” enough to make friends or be in a relationship with. They are legally treated as humans, but there is a certain bias against them, as they possess certain ‘superior’ features such as endurance, resistance to most of the illnesses and, well, not aging. They lack “demon” features such as hoofed legs and tails, but have small spiky ears (always hairless). Hybrids are usually somewhat androgynous in appearance and considered rather attractive. Only females are fertile and can have children with both humans and “demons” while males are always sterile. Unlike “demons”, they can only have human eye and hair colours.

Hybrids usually stop visibly aging in their mid twenties, but this can be experienced earlier by the ‘first death’. In short, an underage hybrid who was physically damaged and in result experienced clinical death stops aging earlier. Thankfully such cases are rather rare so there is not many ‘old children’ walking around. (Law is a victim, but thankfully stopped at 16). Hybrids, unlike “demons” do not display any unusual skills or intelligence.

(four hybrids in the stories, namely Law, Laura, Thomas and Ragnar’s daughter, Daphne)

eew just look at the size of this dump.

Posted in Uncategorized on 02/07/2011 by markerdoodle

there’s a lot of junk in this post, sorry. I just like to make sure if I ever lose any of data from my computer there will be more than one place I can find it, and this blog is one of those places. I have a love-hate relationship with my work: sometimes it looks like shit but the sole thought of losing it is terrifying. I’m sorry for spamming but then again, I highly doubt there is anyone coming here except for myself. So, future me, please enjoy the doodles.

BIOS *enchanted*

Posted in Uncategorized on 12/06/2011 by markerdoodle

Wreszcie przysiadłam i poprawiłam trochę biosy! Na razie zostawiam świat przedstawiony, bo wymaga dokładniejszych poprawek; Pewnie niektóre wzmianki w biosach będą trochę niejasne przez to ale nic nie poradzę :c


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